Live Insurance Calls For Auto Insurance: 7 Key Benefits

With the ever-growing number of registered vehicles and a steadily increasing auto insurance expenditure in the United States, a well-thought-out affiliate program can make a long-lasting impact on your business. From widening revenue streams to establishing as an affiliate market leader, an effective affiliate network can revolutionize your marketing ways and approaches.

Speaking of which, selling auto insurance call leads is one of the surefire ways to grow your bottom line without taking much risk. High-intent call leads can grant you up to a ten times higher conversion rate than web leads and sometimes a higher commission.

Read on to learn how to grow your affiliate business with auto insurance call leads.

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How Do Call Leads Work?

Step 1: You Generate Call Leads

As an affiliate, you must create a unique value proposition in the first place, convincing your customers to choose you over the competition. The good news is that your affiliate network will likely help you with it. For example, Profitise provides affiliates with ready-made lead generation forms so they can generate and qualify call leads on the fly.

Step 2: You Sell Call Leads to Advertisers

As the caller provides their phone number, you get the payment for this call lead.

Live Insurance Calls For Auto Insurance: 7 Key Benefits

Why Are Live Insurance Call leads For Auto Insurance So Effective?

Captured On The Spot With mobile phones accounting for 54.4% of the global worldwide web traffic, it is much easier for a mobile user to speak to an auto insurance agent in person than browse countless web pages, trying to draw a coherent picture from bits of information. The most profitable leads are usually those willing to buy right here and now.
High-Intent While online auto insurance leads may only be looking for general information, live callers usually bear high intent and are more likely to convert. There’s a huge difference between someone using your price calculator and someone making a call to discuss your offer.


While all calls have fairly high conversion potential, there’s still a need to segregate callers by demographics, psychographics, history of purchases, budget, and other factors that may affect call distribution and sales.


Timely call distribution – during hours specified by advertisers – guarantees that advertisers won’t miss any calls while affiliates won’t squander their leads.


Profitise does not resell phone leads. Every caller is only connected once, which retains the caller’s initial level of intent. In other words, your high-intent callers won’t degrade to low-intent callers, granting you the expected revenue.

For Advertisers: How To Seal The Deal Once The Caller Is On The Line

On the advertiser side, there’s still a chance to lose a lead over the phone.

This may happen if:

  1. You’re too generic with your questions. For example, opening with “Hello! Are you interested in auto insurance?” is a bad strategy since most callers expect you to know their needs and wants.
  2. You’re too salesy. Being too pushy would make no sense since your caller is already interested in buying.
  3. You give up on your customers after the purchase. Giving up on your callers is a horrible marketing strategy, as these customers are much easier to convert than new callers. Do not give up on your customers.

The takeaway is to provide as much value to your caller as possible before, during, and after the call.

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Monetize Your Traffic with Profitise

Profitise is a leading insurance and solar affiliate network for affiliates who are selling quality web leads and phone calls. With hundreds of businesses already joined and even more to come, Profitise is a to-go place to monetize your traffic.

With Profitise, you get:

  • Embeddable JavaScript forms to generate qualified insurance and solar leads
  • Large lead market to sell your traffic instantly
  • High price for your web and call leads
  • Free assistance from your affiliate manager

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Frequently Asked Questions

What are live calls in auto insurance?

Auto insurance live calls are when a generated call is redirected to a matching auto insurance policy provider in real time, which makes such calls valuable for advertisers. For affiliates, live calls might be the most profitable type of traffic.

What are live transfer insurance calls?

Live transfer insurance calls are live calls qualified against the advertiser’s criteria before being transferred to this advertiser. While live calls are not vetted – such calls go directly to the insurance agent on the other end – live transfer calls are initiated by an affiliate (for example, a lead generation company) who qualifies them to match advertisers.

Live transfer calls are generally more expensive than live calls.

How do you generate live calls for auto insurance companies?

You can generate live lead calls for auto insurance using your online presence – your website, blog, social media, etc. – or paid advertising. With Profitise, you can get an embeddable lead generation form that helps attract and qualify auto insurance leads on the fly.

How much do auto insurance live calls cost?

The per-call price varies, but live calls are generally more expensive than web leads because of the higher purchase intent and a guarantee that the business that buys the call can actually speak to the consumer. With web leads, they may or may not respond.