A Complete Guide to Generating Health Insurance Leads

Companies that receive, buy, or sell healthcare call leads are in the business of communicating a wealth of data from medical history to personally-identifying information. Similar to choosing the right health insurance plan for specific needs and budget, those who market health insurance to consumers should also consider all the options available to them. From lead automation and reporting to affiliate programs, health insurance affiliate marketers have a lot of resources at their disposal. However, we understand that this is easier said than done and that there are many confusing factors to keep in mind.

Health insurance affiliate marketing.

Whether you’re trying to find the best way to generate health insurance leads or even just beginning to look into your health insurance or your employer-sponsored coverage options, this guide will breakdown the basics and provide you with additional resources to supplement your health insurance lead buying and selling journey.

A Comprehensive Guide to Health Insurance and Inbound Leads

At a high level, the easiest way to get details about health insurance coverage, price, or the certain leads that you may be looking for depends on zip code, age, gender, and other factors. Understanding the specific details at a state level is really important for health insurance lead generators as they will be able to target key demographics and tailor their messaging. However, when companies are facing high volumes of inbound leads, this manual process can quickly overwhelm insurance marketers.

Many consumers are first concerned with their health insurance price and how their monthly payment may take away from their bottom line. As an insurance marketer, consumers’ decision-making process and intentions are important to know and often a part of the qualifying process. Furthermore, being able to educate your audience with common misconceptions will position your company in the expert and thought leadership space. Consumers should be aware that choosing a lower premium plan can often result in a higher deductible and hypothetically carrying the financial responsibility for larger medical bills.

Understand your consumer needs.

Consumers need to be aware of and consider not only their budget but past health history and present health needs. Insurance marketers can take the opportunity to ask a consumer these questions during the IVR process to help and establish trust, but also to confirm interest and qualification. Furthermore, this type of awareness can ultimately improve the chances of conversion. Consumers being aware of exactly where they are able to save money with their insurance plans that may have higher monthly premiums is essential to them not immediately turning away a quote based on cost.

The Open Enrollment Period is the annual period when leads can enroll in ACA major medical health insurance plans and gives them a year-end window to explore new coverage options. Insurance companies, agents, and marketers want to be able to reach these consumers and provide them with resources that will educate them about their options. Qualified and interested consumers depend on a variety of factors like time of year and immediate or even long-term health needs. With that being said, health insurance marketers should know that the Open Enrollment Period each year is a lucrative time to generate health insurance leads and help consumers make an educated decision.

Profitise is here to help you with health insurance industry challenges.

At Profitise, we know the unique challenges of this industry during Open Enrollment and want to provide insurers with all the best information and technology to connect with consumers. Having extensive experience working with agencies, carriers, policyholders, and consumers makes Profities an expert at knowing what’s important and which strategies make a difference for health insurance marketers.

How to Generate Health Insurance Leads

In order to generate qualified health insurance leads, it is important to know the different contexts behind the health insurance space. A lot has changed over the last year and will continue to as time passes. By having a keen understanding of what your consumer could be facing when speaking to a policy provider, health insurance marketers place themselves at the head of the table.

As an insurance marketer, it is best to acknowledge this time of uncertainty for consumers and insurance professionals in content and marketing messages. Similar to educating consumers about their policy options and Open Enrollment Period, health insurance marketers should take it upon themselves to explain how the insurance offering that they are selling can specifically assist prospects at this time. Additionally, insurance marketers that are retargeting existing policyholders should address the various circumstances that consumers may find themselves in that are leading them to reconsider other policies.

Health insurance form.

As a health insurance lead generator and marketer, getting creative with your digital assets like landing pages and your site content can separate you from the competition among consumers. When health insurance leads search for insurance information, they will be more than likely to engage with your brand should you have valuable pieces of content for them to engage with. Positioning yourself as an authority on health insurance coverage coverage, getting health insurance after losing a job, or understanding what could happen next in current and newsworthy topics and trends will help you form connections with consumers. Additionally, the more insights you can share via blogs, social media, or through dynamic multimedia content like videos and podcasts, your ability to rank near the top of web searches will improve.

Why Call Leads Are Important for Health Insurance

While connecting with consumers at a human and authentic level can come from time-sensitive and engaging content, it’s also rooted in generating inbound calls. Even though digital marketing is often at the forefront of health insurance lead generation conversations, most consumers get a greater sense of connection with a brand when speaking to a live representative. Brands that utilize AI capabilities like chatbots have seen that many consumers still inquire about engaging with a real person over digital communication channels.

When considering a large and complex purchase like health insurance, conversing over the phone with a live agent makes consumers far more likely to convert. More specifically, during the period of Open Enrollment, health insurance marketers should pay special attention to understanding, tracking, and attributing their pay-per-call and call lead efforts. A fundamental step in this approach is implementing a call tracking software, or at the very least working with a health insurance affiliate program.

A fundamental step is implementing a call tracking software, or at the very least working with a health insurance affiliate program.

Health insurance marketers position themselves for higher lead conversion and an attitude of accomplishing goals by using a call lead tracking software. Call tracking software not only provides real-time reports of campaign performance numbers but also equips health insurance marketers with the tools to attribute their efforts and communicate their marketing ROI.

Call tracking and analytics are the next step in the lead generation and tracking process when working with a call tracking software. The benefits of call tracking lie in companies utilizing their marketing budget more efficiently. Additionally, high-quality data incentivizes health insurance marketers and agencies to prepare and focus on data-backed campaigns.

Health insurance affiliate program.

This sort of autonomy is worth noting because as a health insurance marketer that is a part of an affiliate network, you can still ensure your business tools are specific to your brand vision and goals. Depending on your business cadence or marketing needs, creating notification presets expedites your current health insurance lead generation process and creates added protection for consumers and leads – all of which are very important within the health insurance industry.

Large in part because of the added level of security and transparency, call tracking efforts are refined and incoming calls can now be associated with marketing ROI. Health insurance providers have a clear picture of the level of demand lead generators, or even their internal marketing teams can adjust their policies, prices, and operations accordingly. Understanding audience behaviors allow all stakeholders to produce future strategies that benefit both their business’s bottom line and the needs of the consumer. Health insurance marketers are empowered through call tracking software to drive high-quality traffic that will be accepted by the carriers that they are working with. On a similar note, they are aware of the shortcomings of certain health insurance marketing campaigns when demand is low and can make adjustments to their content marketing and other outreach to generate more leads because of call tracking data.

Automating the lead generating and tracking process, health insurance marketers and companies are able to engage personally with specific customers.

By automating their lead generating and tracking process, health insurance marketers and companies will have more time to engage personally with specific customers and prospects reaching out. Improving your business’s lead response time is a very important detail in maintaining a successful brand perception and relationship with existing constituents and the lead response time when it comes to health insurance leads contributes to whether or not the lead converts to becoming a sale.

Engaging health insurance leads efficiently and promptly is one of the top marketing strategies for health insurance marketers. Since timing is important here and you could be facing certain health or death situations, having a sense of urgency in your marketing process is not only encouraged but necessary. Health insurance leads for sale are rooted in marketers understanding key ways to set themselves apart from the competition is a challenge but can be achieved through partnering with a health insurance affiliate program.

Opportunities With Profitise

Profitise provides the opportunity to join a health insurance affiliate marketing program. Through this opportunity, affiliates gain access to exclusive health insurance leads for agents in real-time. Likewise, call verified leads with high-intent are on-the-line and automatically managed. Cold calling is a thing of the past with an affiliate marketing program that drives leads to health insurance marketers. This partnership is efficient and productive for affiliates, agencies, and carriers alike.

Profitise’s automated lead management software for health insurance leads for sale is the best in class. Benefits are endless and ultimately prepare each affiliate marketer to experience great success and growth in performance. All these benefits will drive your business towards a more efficient health insurance lead generation process. Not to mention, partnering as an affiliate with Profitise will shift your efforts in health insurance call lead tracking and conversion.

Automate your lead management.

Affiliates are able to generate, manage, route, and track their leads effortlessly with a lead management software that goes above and beyond to set marketers apart from the competition. Constantly innovating and updating platform features and industry support makes buying and selling call insurance leads efficient and easy for health insurance marketers. Get a bird’s eye view of campaign statuses across all marketing channels. This multichannel approach benefits every health insurance marketing campaign from click-to-call leads to digital assets. Unique phone numbers and URLs are always associated, so you know exactly who is engaging with your marketing efforts and when. Getting even more granular is possible as well with the ability to duplicate unique URLs and see real-time reports.

Profitise wouldn’t see the success it does for affiliates without the help of a dedicated and constantly available support team. Health insurance lead generation is a simple and seamless interaction from onboarding to troubleshooting platform inquiries with 24/7 support and an open-door policy. The team at Profitise holds extensive experience in the health insurance lead generating, buying, and selling space.

How to Track Your Leads With Profitise

Marketers will mostly be affected by the rate of call conversions, which directly attributes value and data to each health insurance call marketing campaign. Without using such granular data, a call marketer would have no idea what was driving a consumer to make a call about health insurance. Similarly, this metric uncovers precisely what aspects of a health insurance company or affiliate marketer’s landing page are the most engaging to visitors. When it comes to offline marketing, call tracking even lends a hand there as well. Traditional ad campaigns that drive a significant portion of inbound calls are also understood. Marketers can make the most of their budget and time within those pillars of lead generation with call tracking.

Affiliate marketing automation.

An automated system makes it easy to directly send leads to agent’s desks. Affiliate marketers are able to achieve more success because of the automated nature of this process. Top health insurance leads are automatically managed from the time they are identified and associated in the system. Call tracking makes it possible to see exactly where an inbound lead is from the moment a click to call ad is responded to, and a call is placed. Associating a unique phone number with certain ads is a great way for health insurance marketers to attribute their value and effort when a lead moves along in the buyer’s process. The customer’s journey, on the other hand, is seamless, and that hasn’t gone unnoticed by national carriers either. As health insurance continues to change, the entire industry continues to applaud innovation and customer-backed data.

A seamless phone call that preps the call leads for conversion, and both carriers can collect insurance leads. Should a lead be rejected, a redistribution option is also available to harness better opportunity. A simplified process that allows agents to have exclusive access to the best health insurance leads helps health insurance marketers streamline all of their data and produce high-quality leads.

Sales cycles in the health insurance space can often take a long time. However, Profitise offers a bi-weekly payout structure so that affiliates aren’t constantly swimming against the tides of revenue. Payment terms are approved for affiliates and always transparent, so budgeting and business operations can move seamlessly and not be the focus of your efforts when lead generation should be.

Profitise health insurance affiliate CRM integration.

To take the conveniences a step further, Profitise makes it possible for health insurance affiliates to integrate their management systems easily. Customer Relationship Management system (CRM) and email marketing tools to complicated eCommerce systems and SMS management, Profitise prioritizes custom integrations and enables dialer software and API integrations too.

A large benefit of becoming a member of a health insurance affiliate marketing program is the capability to have all of your business management tools in one place. All-in-one solutions allow health insurance marketers to reach beyond departmental lines to handle calls, emails, and all aspects of digital marketing efforts. Additionally, your company will become more efficient and adaptable to an ever-changing and innovating vertical.

The Best Way to Find Health Insurance Leads

When trying to wrap your head around health insurance, one good place to start is to look at the groups that historically have utilized health insurance. Only in the past two years have people been able to forgo the option of having health insurance. An individual mandate was passed in the United States that exempted individuals from facing financial penalties if they didn’t have health insurance. For many insurance marketers, this was an uncertain time as they thought it would negatively affect the health insurance lead generation space. However, since the repeal in 2019, insurance companies have been seeing even more interest, and consumers are ultimately pursuing health insurance of their own.

Health insurance affiliate marketing program is the best way to get qualified leads.

When it comes to selling health insurance leads, it can be an overwhelming scenario. As you can see from the history above, there are plenty of exclusive health insurance leads out there for sale, but knowing where to start or how to contact them can be tricky. A good place to start to help navigate the rough waters is by partnering with an affiliate marketing program, particularly one that is also aimed towards investing in health insurance leads. Health insurance affiliate marketing programs often come with many benefits and deep rewards but among the most valuable is the constant supply of people to sell policies to.

How to Qualify Health Insurance Leads

In order for health insurance marketers to truly understand their industry and operate successfully, they will have to pay attention to understanding their audience. With Profitise, health insurance marketers will have access to granular details on inbound leads in real-time, allowing them to know their audience inside-and-out. From call time to demographic information like age, location, and insured status, health insurance call leads will more often than not be matched with an ideal carrier.

For health insurance marketers to decide where the lead should go next and how they can best be matched with a sale that meets their needs requires specific knowledge about the inbound lead. For example, as it was previously mentioned, certain states have different restrictions and requirements when it comes to health insurance. If a call lead is routed to a carrier in a different state, it will disrupt the conversion process. So, collecting demographic data for routing alone is important.

Health insurance leads qualification.

Using data to gauge the interest of lead will set an insurance marketer apart from the competition in the eyes of carriers. Whether it be a fraudulent call, an informational inquiry, or someone seriously looking for a quote, everyone knows that health leads come in for various reasons. Health insurance leads that have shown legitimate interest in your brand by either calling one of your pay-per-call campaigns and going through your IVR process or engaging on your website are qualified because of that activity. But is sorting that interest manually an efficient use of a health insurance marketer’s time?

More often than not, spending time, energy, and resources on leads that are not qualified isn’t worth it. The better way to qualify health insurance affiliate marketing leads is to think carefully about how to make data-backed decisions. Profitise’s operational abilities of their systems and partnerships allow marketers to think with their audience in mind without much effort. Additionally, technologically backed insights are at the forefront of how Profitise wants to empower their health insurance affiliate marketers.

The Benefits of Automated Lead Management

Sorting through consumer data from website forms to repeated website visits and email click-throughs is an impossible task. Especially for health insurance lead generators that are experiencing a high volume of inbound call leads, it’s paramount to have a technological partner automatically interpret, source, and attribute that audience behavior. Profitise makes it easy to boil down the activity within the health insurance lead generation space and future plan and strategize on how to attract more leads. Not only will affiliate marketers have access to consistent and high volume, quality leads, but the tracking and information associated with them will also be easily available as well.

In a competitive marketplace like the health insurance space, cutting through the noise and crowded marketplace of your competitors can make a big difference. With call tracking, the benefits pile up quickly, allowing companies that utilize it find success faster than ever before. The number one benefit of call tracking all comes down to the bottom line. With the real-time insights, resources can be immediately shifted from one channel to another, ensuring that every penny is utilized to its maximum potential. With call tracking, health insurance marketers have access to volumes of critical data that will ultimately help them work smarter. Additional observations into customer service and caller metadata allow businesses to adapt quickly and outperform rivals.

Profitise lead management automation.

Working with Profitise to implement automated lead management and reporting into your health insurance marketing space will not only result in better access to national carriers but will increase your revenue and refine your marketing process as well. Profitise knows that client-related insights are at the root of health insurance, which is precisely why technology plays such a significant role today.

Knowing where health insurance leads originated is an essential step to health insurance marketers getting the most out of their efforts and vital to moving forward with the sale. Many health insurance companies and lenders will not only require the demographic information of a lead but significant state-specific data as well. Knowing this information ahead of time also helps marketers to target prospective customers within those states as well through audience-relevant information and language.

Profitise allows marketers to make changes depending on lead generation analytics and real-time reporting is an invaluable resource that shows how various publishers are performing. Health insurance marketers can quickly double down on successful channels and scale down less effective components based on how qualified leads are converting with certain lenders.

Lead nurturing becomes much easier with a solution and partnership with a Profitise health insurance affiliate program.

While the lead qualification process can often be specific to the insurance industry, health insurance lead nurturing is a significant process that becomes much easier with a solution and partnership with a health insurance affiliate program like Profitise. When leads are nurtured through relevant and specific marketing content, they are more likely to convert. On the other hand, leads that are not nurtured and have an unfamiliar interaction with a brand that is not using call tracking software to execute data-backed campaigns will probably be less successful. Follow-up messaging with targeted information is just as important as a thorough IVR, and Profitise allows for both.

For example, say you are a health insurance marketer that has produced a high-quality white paper on Open Enrollment or updates within ADA. An interested consumer interacted with that gated content, but you were not using a lead tracking software. Because of this simple fact, you assumed incorrectly the lead must’ve been from a call because that is where most of your leads had come from so far. After all, the whitepaper was a new piece of content you were trying out. Your follow-up message referenced their recent phone call, and the lead was lost because of that irrelevant information. Using call tracking software could’ve completely avoided this loss and resulted in a sale. A successful marketer using an automated lead management tool to support their email marketing correspondence would be able to take the data collected from the online form and target their follow-up messaging to the consumer using some part of that data like location, age, or particular interest.

Affiliate program monetization.

However, on that same note, Profitise gives affiliates the opportunity to monetize lesser quality and unqualified leads. While these leads may be less likely to convert, they still have value to many health insurance providers and are deserving of a policy even if it is down the line from when they inquired. Profitise’s solutions incentivize businesses to better organize leads so that some can be re-sold to buyers.

Health insurance marketers certainly spend a lot of time trying to determine which may be more likely to convert because a lot of their industry is met with consumers needing questions asked before purchasing. However, filters and restrictions available when using a lead management software make it possible to understand exactly how the consumer was engaging and if they were simply asking high-level questions or seemed ready to be matched with a carrier.

Sales and marketing teams work together in harmony while learning from data sets and making innovative and data-backed decisions with the help of Profitise and their solutions. Profitise empowers cross-functional teams that result in a focused sales funnel that increases lead generation, conversion, and transparency.

Health insurance leads reporting and analytics.

Constantly monitoring the health of your leads isn’t any different from paying attention to what you eat or how much you exercise. Lead management tools allow everyone to digest the same information and see fast results. From the individual marketer to a large carrier, transparent practices and full views of consumer information make for a seamless buyer’s journey and operational lead generation process. The decision-making process of buyers is uncovered through automated lead management and the benefits associated with affiliate marketers. Having a roadmap of your future customer journey helps everything from the sales processes, lead responses, and whole-company improvements.

Integrations With Profitise

Profitise was designed with the affiliate partnership in mind. Health insurance affiliate marketers and the stakeholders they work with have complete control over their campaigns and interactions, as well as more time to develop personal relationships and generate leads thanks to the automated nature of the solutions provided. More revenue and a more extensive book of business are inevitable when joining as an affiliate partner with profitise as 24/7 support and custom API integrations are available upon onboarding and implementation. Rather than letting their lost leads go to waste, affiliates can remarket their leads and increase their profit margins significantly.

If your business uses an IVR system to generate and route leads, this process can now be automated with Profitise. IVRs are extremely helpful when it comes to providing a seamless call experience for consumers. Still, it can take a lot of time for sales representatives or affiliate marketers to sort through IVR lead data to understand which caller is genuinely qualified. Save your business time and money by automating the routing process of inbound traffic to any specific publisher through any chosen IVR. Drive the most sales by quickly understanding which of your phone call processes fall short for health insurance leads.

At Profitise, it is a top priority to make call lead tracking a simple thing to do.

Everyone appreciates prompt replies, and Profitise is undoubtedly in the business of urgency, especially when it comes to health insurance leads for sale. Additionally, at Profitise, it is a top priority to make call lead tracking a simple thing to do. Thus, notifying affiliates where a health insurance lead is in the buying process after they’ve been responded to.

Call tracking platforms provide marketers a complete picture of the customer journey through the collection of data from calls. Health insurance leads are tracked, and affiliate marketers are provided with essential insights into their call campaigns. Not only that, lead tracking paints a detailed picture for digital marketers by identifying how many more leads were brought in by their latest marketing campaign, which landing pages are getting more views, and which ad banners are getting more clicks. The way that consumers better understand the health insurance space through news, whitepapers, blogs, and industry research, lead tracking is one of the only ways the origin of consumer interest, particularly call leads, is understood, and attribution is accurately tracked.

Profitise affiliate partnership.

The critical fact that the consumers your business or affiliate partnership is engaging with will have high-intent, the exclusive health insurance leads for agents are more likely to convert. This is similar to the way in which your health can be improved by regular exercise, sleep, and a healthy diet. Not only that, critical insights into ROI by seeing plainly which marketing campaigns were more successful and brought in more health insurance leads for sale. Think of this as beta testing different lifestyle practices to achieve your health goals, but for business.

Lead automation software at Profitise allows for an even more complete customization experience, from ping-tree customizations to IVRs to other things that are even more specific to your branding. Affiliates and customers who utilize the program can adjust customizable background images but have complete control over the color schemes of the platform as well.

Customizable capabilities are ever-reaching when partnering with Profitise. Customizations further optimize your business by allowing health insurance marketers to adjust their business practices based on certain audience behaviors. In an industry that is so reliant and dependent on governmental and state specifications, customizations like the integrated ping-tree system uncover active user and lead activity and buyer trends. Users don’t have to worry about duplicate edits, multiple people viewing the same lead data at once, and accidental deletion. Disruptions that can come with technological innovations are even avoided with this system and added support. No matter what, the way in which leads are carefully marketed to, captured should be rewarded!

The Ultimate Guide to Becoming a Health Insurance Affiliate

At Profitise, it is believed that health insurance lead generation and the consumer data that is often personal and HIPPA protected should hold a certain value. Those that deal with and work at understanding that data and translating it to lenders should also know their work is valued and appreciated. That’s why affiliate marketers at Profitise are welcomed with a consistent pay structure. This ultimately leaves affiliates incentivized and motivated to match consumers with a health insurance policy whenever they need it most.

Health insurance marketing industry.

From automated health record platforms to patient portals and provider databases, the health technology space has grown tremendously over the past few years. The health insurance space isn’t much different, and marketers having to implement new software and solutions is welcomed and encouraged. With Profitise’s experienced support team of professionals and all-in-one seamless solutions, the health insurance space is one that fits nicely and experiences the utmost amount of success with this software.

Affiliate marketers can spend their time keeping up with different policy changes and best ways to market, while Profitise can handle the rest of the shifting factors. Health insurance is not only the most reported on vertical in the news space but at the forefront of political elections, not to mention individual search queries. As an affiliate marketer, having access to the specific keywords consumers were searching for is possible with the data Profitise is able to provide health insurance marketers. With Profitise, you would be able to gain valuable insight into consumers’ search terms and behaviors. Taking a careful look into what your target audience was looking for when it came to health insurance would be invaluable to the ROI of your marketing and indeed separate you from the competition. In regards to the platform, unique and personalizations like a customizable IVR system allows you to add your own branding to your inbound calls, all the while giving you a true understanding of which campaigns, call or otherwise, are affecting your bottom line.

 Affiliate marketers choose Profitise to have access to more leads and nationwide opportunities.

Affiliate marketers with Profitise not only have access to more leads but more nationwide opportunities as well. There are experts to gather marketing ideas from while still having the ability to maintain and operate your own business. Look at being a part of an affiliate network as having a refrigerator of healthy foods for your taking. There is a place to store them, a nutritional outcome, and the effort to purchase and put them there was very minimal.

Like your own health and wellbeing, choosing a health insurance affiliate program should surround wanting to create a healthy marketplace and focus on continued growth. At Profitise, we ultimately want to provide health insurance affiliate marketers with the tools and assistance needed to achieve great success in the health insurance space.

Count on Profitise to deliver a quality, profitable experience for your business. To learn more and ultimately elevate your business model, sign up with us today as an affiliate.


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