How Can Insurance Affiliate Marketing Improve Your Business Performance?

Whether you buy or sell leads, you are always looking for new business opportunities. Insurance affiliate marketing can be the next big thing to help you grow your customer base, enhance your brand image, and ultimately drive you more profits from sold or bought leads.

  • The largest affiliate network, Amazon Associates, unites over 900,000 affiliates.
  • The ‘affiliate marketing’ search request has doubled since 2016.
  • Over 80% of insurance providers and advertisers use affiliate marketing.

Statistics don’t lie: affiliate marketing is quite profitable, even though you must rely on your unique affiliate marketing strategy – based on your unique value proposition – to set yourself apart from the competition.

Affiliate marketing is a rare case when all involved parties – advertisers, affiliates, and customers – are better off after the deal. Everyone gets what they want: advertisers expand their audience without risks; affiliates sell their leads at the highest possible price; customers connect to the product they want.

But enough small talk.

Here is how a well-chosen insurance affiliate marketing program can help you buy or sell more insurance leads:

  • Decrease your marketing costs.
  • Decrease your risks.
  • Increase your brand awareness.
  • Enhance your brand image.
  • Boost your SEO.

Without further ado, let’s dig deeper into these advantages.

1. Decrease Your Marketing Costs

Affiliate marketing encompasses many platforms, from on-site content to social media to traditional TV and print media, allowing you to capitalize on your every media presence. At the same time, you don’t need to introduce new channels but rather leverage your current channels.

A smartly configured marketing campaign can cut your marketing costs several times over. For example, Profitise will help you promote on different levels with customized marketing content, such as landing pages, ads, banners, registration forms, and more.

Contact us to learn how our state-of-the-art insurance leads generation software and call analytics can help you generate more insurance leads and close more insurance sales.

2. Decrease Your Risks

There are several revenue models that you can use in affiliate marketing – Pay Per Impression (PPI), Lead (PPL), Click (PPC), and Sale (PPS) – making it possible to choose the one that suits your objectives. Likewise, you can combine several payout models.

For example, the PPL payout scheme at Profitise drives high-intent leads to advertisers in exchange for due and timely revenue payouts to affiliates, all while making it possible to differentiate between leads.

  • As an advertiser, you can choose whether to purchase exclusive leads, multi-sell, or some other type.
  • As an affiliate, you can set the price range for your leads and shortlist advertisers to whom you want to sell your leads.

Joining an affiliate program like Profitise is a win-win for advertisers and affiliates.

How Can Insurance Affiliate Marketing Improve Your Business Performance?

3. Increase Your Brand Awareness

Many customers will only buy from the brands they know, allowing you to grow your customer base through an extensive network of affiliates. Most small and medium-sized businesses use several affiliate partners to reach out to as many customers as possible, and you can also go this route.

  • Profitise will connect you to thousands of auto, home, health, and life insurance affiliates and advertisers. Our proprietary lead generation and call analytics software will reinforce your marketing, whether as an affiliate or advertiser.

With Profitise, you will get the best of both worlds of affiliate marketing.

4. Enhance Your Brand Image

With ever-growing customer service expectations, brand image is as important as ever before. Case studies, reviews, testimonials, statistics, social media…people use all available resources to check your reputation. If you’re new in the niche, there’s little chance of succeeding independently.

The good news is that affiliate marketing allows you to partner with reliable companies, expanding to new marketing with minimum risk. For example, suppose you’ve started with auto insurance and want to expand to home insurance. In that case, you can tap into Profitise’s pool of home insurance affiliates, choosing the most reliable promoters for your new products.

5. Boost Your SEO

A possible SEO boost is arguably the most underrated improvement of affiliate marketing, giving your room to outperform your competitors. With Profitise’s lead tracking software, you will unlock actionable SEO insights, such as the keyword that drove the conversion of a particular lead.

Having exhaustive marketing data, lead data, and possibly agent performance data at hand, you will likely configure a much more profitable pipeline than you’ve ever had. For example, you might discover that you need different landing pages for different leads, that a specific sales agent underperforms with specific leads, or that influencer marketing doesn’t work because your partners use incorrect referral links.

Grow Your Business With High-Intent Insurance Leads From Profitise

At a time when flexibility and on-the-spot decisions are crucial for insurance businesses, joining a highly-effective insurance affiliate marketing network like Profitise can be a game changer. Whether you are an affiliate or a business owner, our proprietary software will take your marketing campaign to the next level.

How Can Insurance Affiliate Marketing Improve Your Business Performance?

Here’s what we offer:

  • Lead management software. Having access to the most detailed leads statistics – accept rate, EPL, buyer total, and more – our affiliates generate more leads than the competition. For out-of-the-network affiliates, you also use our lead management and affiliate software to generate more value for you and them.
  • Live calls analytics. If phone sales are part of your business, you can benefit from our call management software and analytics. High-quality calls with no middleman might be just what you need.
  • Round-the-clock support every step of the way. Aside from the marketing software creative materials you can get for free, our experts will accompany you throughout the process to increase your insurance sales and revenue per lead.

Industry insights, expertise, high-quality insurance leads, and boosted insurance sales are just a few clicks away. Start now with Profitise.


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