How Does Insurance Affiliate Marketing Work?

Forecasted to reach $8.2 billion in 2022, the ever-growing affiliate marketing spending in the United States indicates an increasing demand for promoting products through affiliates and publishers. Over 80% of brands – including Amazon, eBay, Fiverr, and marketing titans alike – are actively selling goods and services through elaborate networks of affiliates, drawing way more customers than they could if they were on their own.

However, insurance affiliate marketing is still highly undervalued for its eery complexity in the eyes of aspiring affiliates. Even today, many affiliates are missing out on life-changing profits they might’ve already made had they harnessed affiliate marketing earlier.

Not understanding how insurance affiliate marketing works is the root of evil. Once everything is explained, most insurance affiliates agree to join our affiliate network, saying they would have joined earlier if they had known that affiliate marketing is that simple and straightforward.

So how does affiliate marketing in insurance work, and how can Profitise help you with it?

Let’s dig into it.

Understanding Insurance Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing in insurance is no different from other types of affiliate marketing.

Insurance affiliate marketing is a unique sales model where an affiliate promotes an insurer’s products or services for a fee. The fee is paid for the target action, such as clicking on a banner, filling out a registration form, or buying services from the partner insurer.

Most insurance affiliate marketing campaigns are comprised of four parties (barring ones held directly between an advertiser and an affiliate):

  • An advertiser (vendor, buyer; in our case, insurance provider) who purchases leads, clicks, impressions, or pays for other target actions as per the affiliate agreement.
  • An affiliate (publisher) who sells leads, clicks, impressions, or other target actions as per the affiliate agreement.
  • A customer who commits the target action or directly buys the advertiser’s product or service.
  • An affiliate network that creates a lead market for advertisers and affiliates.

As an affiliate, you don’t necessarily have to be an expert in the product you promote. For example, an auto blogger can become a successful insurance affiliate just by finding the right advertiser or – a better option – a network of advertisers.

Speaking of the right advertiser and affiliates, an affiliate network has both in abundance, being one of the most profitable and least risky solutions for insurance affiliates.

Understanding Insurance Affiliate Networks

Whether you’re an advertiser looking for customers or an affiliate searching for a generous advertiser to whom you can sell leads, clicks, impressions, and other target actions, you can get it all from an affiliate network.

How Does Insurance Affiliate Marketing Work?

An affiliate network connects advertisers with affiliates, creating a mutually beneficial relationship. Depending on what is being sold, there are three basic payment models:

  • Pay per click (PPC) – when an advertiser pays for clicks on the ads placed on an affiliate’s website, blog, social media posts, etc.
  • Pay per lead (PPL) – when an advertiser pays for each qualified lead generated by the affiliate
  • Pay per sale (PPS) – when an advertiser pays a commission off of each sale closed with the help of the affiliate

All these models are viable under different circumstances, but PPL and PPS are arguably the best since they motivate affiliates to attract high-intent leads. PPL does it through a qualification process; PPS directly ties a commission to sales.

How Does An Insurance Affiliate Network Like Profitise Work?

  1. Advertisers and affiliates join the network. Profitise covers four primary insurance verticals – health, home, auto, and life insurance. Through categorization and a thorough leads qualification process, we pinpoint the needs of our clients, eliminating non-relevant, low-intent, and fraudulent leads.
  2. Advertisers and affiliates configure their offers. Market participants set the number of leads to buy or sell, the price per lead, and even the demographics of the leads they want to buy or the parameters of an insurance provider on the other end.
  3. The system matches the offers. Our proprietary ping tree system selects the best available offer before the sale or purchase is made. This allows for the best possible deal for both advertisers and affiliates.

With Profitise, advertisers get high-intent leads for a reasonable price, whereas affiliates sell their leads to matching advertisers at the highest price at the moment of the sale. Likewise, affiliates can regulate their trade by choosing the minimum price per lead, among many other settings.

How Can An Insurance Affiliate Network Help Affiliates With Marketing?

Aside from trading leads under mutually beneficial conditions, we help our insurance affiliates generate more leads and track their performance with our tailor-made:

  • Creative materials. Ready-made email templates, banners, public feeds, customer registration forms, and API integration help you convert more prospects into leads with literally no effort. You can use our creative materials ‘as is’ or combine them with your own ads.
  • Lead management. Not only can you monetize your leads effectively – our ping tree sends your offer to multiple advertisers and, all things equal, sells it to the highest bidder – but you can also update your marketing strategy based on your current performance. Real-time reporting, lead tracking tools, and other details and insights allow you to fine-tune your lead generation and sales campaign on the fly.
  • Account management. Our software experts and insurance professionals are backing your endeavors from the get-go. Whether you need help with our CRM software, marketing techniques, or sales, you can contact our experts and advisors via multiple channels for quick assistance.

How Does Insurance Affiliate Marketing Work?

We will guide you through the lead generation process from A to Z, giving you an insurmountable advantage over independent affiliates. We will equip you with cutting-edge lead generation tools and techniques that make you an immediate and long-term winner in insurance affiliate marketing.

Profitise’s Live Calls To Boost Your Insurance Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing in insurance isn’t limited to web leads. With Profitise, you can also generate live call leads and sell them at a higher price, as these leads are valued more than web leads. Eventually, you will establish yourself as a trusted source of live calls, growing your bottom line.

Live calls are in extreme demand among advertisers as, on top of purchase-prone live callers, they also get:

  • Unique phone ID to recognize insurance callers from the rest
  • Live inbound and outbound call analytics to improve conversions
  • Round-the-clock assistance from our team to streamline the campaign

Advertisers are always searching for quality calls from motivated leads, which puts Profitise’s insurance affiliates in an advantageous position. With our help, you are all set to make life-changing profits from high-intent live calls.

How To Join Profitise As An Insurance Affiliate?

To join Profitise as an affiliate, fill out this simple registration form. Now you can leverage our proprietary software and creative materials to generate more insurance leads.

Have questions? Reach out to our experts at


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