5 Tips Every Insurance Marketer Should Know

Anything worth doing is worth doing well, and that should always apply to affiliate marketing within the insurance space. From aesthetically pleasing and mobile-friendly websites to attractive and relevant content, there are countless ways in which potential customers are attracted to certain policies. So in what seems like a vast ocean of opportunity, knowing where to find the fish can seem a little overwhelming. 

That’s why we’ve provided a few clues below to get you started in the right direction. 

  1. Get Inspired 

Competitor research can sometimes seem like crossing over to the dark side. However,  reading blogs or studying websites within a vertical for inspiration and industry understanding should be looked at as more of a foundation rather than an ulterior motive. Looking at this process as a way to achieve short term goals for insurance marketing efforts will often shift your mindset to be more open and creative. Earlier stages of marketing are much more receptive to experimentation and change. In fact, limiting yourself to one strategy without research, intentional thought, or data could negatively impact long term goals. 

  1. Know Your Customer’s Journey 

Every business has steps that consumers go through leading up to a transaction or sale. For insurance affiliates, the process isn’t much different. Leads are usually nurtured first, through content or more of a high-level advertisement. Once initial contact is established, advertisements and contact should change based on which stage the consumer might be in. Another way to generate leads is through pay per call marketing efforts. Insurance marketers should create clear content, language, and landing pages for each stage of the customer’s journey and ensure relevant and insightful communication each step of the way. 

  1. Create a Strategy 

Understanding the bigger picture and purpose of marketing is a key part of ensuring leads for advertisers. Creating a strategy is necessary in order to know where to focus your efforts as an insurance affiliate. Producing content with little attention to SEO or other optimizations could be detrimental to your marketing efforts. Today’s consumers want deep, detailed websites with lots of information they can consume, but those websites also need to be found easily through common searches. Search engines are constantly updating their algorithms to ensure the websites with most value are placed at the top. 

  1. Take Action 

Once a clear customer journey is identified and a relevant content strategy is created and backed by successful SEO efforts, leads should be flooding in. However, if your website is not equipped to guide the consumer toward closing stages, your marketing efforts could potentially fizzle out. A rule of thumb for insurance marketers is to have a Call to Action (CTA) on every landing page. The CTA should be visible, clear, and always boost the user experience. Keep in mind, though, that too many CTAs can overwhelm consumers and have an opposite effect, resulting in confusion and lower conversion rates. 

  1. Don’t Take Shortcuts 

Having a strategy for content and SEO is a great first step. But as SEO algorithms change and other advancements in the digital marketing space take place, staying relevant and up-to-date on how to best market within the insurance industry is just as important. For example, a content expert at Hubspot says, “While you create content on each topic, share this content in as many ways as you can. By networking with people in your industry, and tracking how many other publishers are linking back to your content, you can get a better sense of how quickly your content will perform the way you want it to.” 

Profitise is here to keep partners connected to their leads and help with the results of good marketing and lead management. Learn more about how we can better support you and register as an Affiliate today.


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