Pros and Cons of Buying Leads For Life Insurance

With half of Americans having life insurance and the biggest life insurance company, MetLife, making over $67 billion annually, it is no secret that a well-established stream of high-intent leads for life insurance can grow your business exponentially.

However, there are only three ways of harnessing life insurance leads for agents:

  • Generate leads for life insurance on your own
  • Use the leads provided by your insurance company
  • Buy leads for life insurance from an affiliate network

Which way to go? It depends on your expertise, budget, and risk tolerance.

This review will help you make an informed and unbiased choice.

Option 1: Generating Leads For Life Insurance On Your Own

From email outreach to social media, there are a variety of free digital channels where you can acquire leads. However, the market is so saturated that you can barely beat the competition on your own, especially with a limited budget.

Unless you are an established insurance agent, you must go the extra mile to win your first leads. Only in a while – and only if you know how to turn leads into paying customers – may you settle down with a well-established lead funnel.

Let’s keep it real, though.

With hundreds and thousands of life insurance agents fighting for the spotlight, an aspiring agent has little to no chance. A much more realistic way to increase your bottom line would be to work your insurance company’s leads or buy leads for life insurance from an affiliate network.

Option 2: Working Your Insurance Company’s Leads

If you’re working for an insurance company, you must have access to its flow of leads. Converting such leads could be your safest bet if not for the two obstacles:

  1. Most companies overpromise and underperform when it comes to insurance leads. Allegedly exclusive leads turn out to be shared, duplicated, or irrelevant.
  2. You have to pay a commission, which lowers your earning potential and requires closing more deals to reach the expected income level.

Pros and Cons of Buying Leads For Life Insurance

That said, using your company’s insurance leads can still be viable since you don’t have to pay upfront, risk your own money, and compete with the titans of the life insurance market.

But then again, there’s no guarantee that these leads will meet your expectations. Even though your company is interested in closing sales – possibly even putting pressure on you – you may occasionally face non-exclusive, hard-to-convert leads.

Option 3: Buying Leads For Life Insurance Online From An Affiliate Network

If you are unhappy with the quality of your life insurance leads for agents, you can always switch to an affiliate network.

Here’s how a typical affiliate network work (on the example of Profitise):

  • Profitise connects lead sellers (affiliates and publishers) and buyers (advertisers), all registered in our system. For every affiliate or publisher selling life insurance leads, there’s always an advertiser willing to buy them. As simple as that.

In addition to establishing a lead market, we provide some advanced opportunities to advertisers and affiliates:

  • Lead and live calls management software. Whether you buy or sell leads, there’s only one way to improve your performance: by tracking it, which you can do with the help of our proprietary software. As an advertiser, you can know who your leads are, where they came from, what triggered the purchase, and how many of your leads converted.
  • Interactive voice response (IVR) system. Our customizable IVR system allows for the most effective conversion, when the caller is quickly qualified to a matching life insurance agent. The process is as smooth and friendly as it can be.
  • Round-the-clock support from tech gurus. Our insurance and software experts accompany you throughout your lead acquisition journey so that you can leverage the tools you have at hand.


How To Buy Life Insurance Leads From Profitise?

Pros and Cons of Buying Leads For Life Insurance

Buying leads for life insurance online from Profitise is simple:

  1. Fill out the registration form to get access to our network of affiliates.
  2. Set up your affiliate profile: price per lead, number of leads you want to buy, etc.
  3. Get high-intent leads at a competitive price.

You can buy web or live call leads from Profitise.

The Advantages of Buying Leads For Life Insurance Online From Profitise

With quite a few companies offering life insurance leads for agents, Profitise stands on top of the game primarily because of the quality of the leads we offer. We can vouch for the quality of our leads, but that’s not all.

Among other advantages, our life insurance leads are:

  • Qualified. You don’t have to spend time on qualifying leads, as we separate the wheat from the chaff for you. Every live call – and most web leads for that matter – brings you a high-intent life insurance seeker.
  • Exclusive. Unlike insurance companies, which may repurpose their leads, we do not resell leads. Every customer is only given once to one advertiser.
  • Purchase-prone. From suspects to prospects to qualified leads, we help our affiliates nurture their leads so they can sell motivated would-be customers.


The Risks of Buying Leads For Life Insurance And How Profitise Mitigates Them

Pros and Cons of Buying Leads For Life Insurance

It would not be fair to claim that buying leads for life insurance online is a zero-risk endeavor. No affiliate network in the world can guarantee a 100% conversion, but we do pursue this ambitious goal.

However, we cannot control the lead’s desire to purchase life insurance. Not only is life insurance expensive – and the older you get, the more expensive it becomes – but it also deals with a prospect’s health, which altogether results in some leads providing false information about their age and social status.

But then again, we do everything possible so our advertisers get what they desire, discarding low-intent leads in favor of the hottest web and call leads.

Ready to start? Register as an advertiser or life insurance affiliate with Profitise.


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