5 Ways to Qualify a Call

There are very few things worse than buying a new piece of clothing only to have it ruined upon the first wear. From discovering your new ski jacket has a broken zipper to pulling a shrunken sweater from the dryer only to realize it wasn’t cashmere at all – these are lessons we unfortunately learn from time to time. In fact, a survey by Science Direct estimates that an average 82% of adults have experienced some form of post-purchase regret.  

For affiliate marketers, lead conversions can often play out in a similar fashion. Like taking that extra step to see if your new shirt has any loose-hanging threads before buying, spending some extra time and effort determining if a lead is right for your business can go a long way. 


How to Qualify Insurance Calls

Ask the Right Questions 

Figuring out the priority of the problem the prospect is trying to solve should come first. If there isn’t an identifiable problem that your business can potentially serve as a solution for, there is no urgent or real reason for them to buy. Qualifying questions around business pain points include: ‘What is the problem you’re trying to solve with this offering?’ or ‘What is motivating you to do something about this now?’ to ‘How would your business be affected if this problem wasn’t addressed?’ Like the question ‘Should I try this on for size?’ asking a prospect about their business process and pain points should never go unanswered. 

Keep It Open 

Open-ended questions can provide the opportunity for leads to further explain their needs and interests. When marketers thoughtfully inquire about potential prospects’ goals and risks, they’re not only opening the door for more information but making future customers feel heard and valued immediately.

Put Yourself in Their Shoes

If you were a buyer, what would solving certain problems mean to you? Marketers are in the business of helping people. Identify that benefit and being able to frame a specific success, you are working toward gaining an internal advocate down the line.   

Score Their Interest 

Marketers need to decide how much they value each answer, not to mention a firm way to be able to track the ROI on each call. Does a cold call mean more than someone who has taken the time to read a blog beforehand? What about the newsletter subscriber who, until recently, didn’t have an immediate need? By placing a score next to each need, qualifying who deserves your time next becomes much more of an efficient process. 

Set a Date 

The last, and easiest way to know whether an insurance call is qualified is to see how they respond to the next steps in your business process. If your suggestion for a follow-up meeting is met with specific times and a firm date on the calendar, you can be pretty certain the lead is now qualified. However, if it’s difficult to get any sort of response from what to do next, you may want to revisit tip #1 and try on that garment for size before taking any further action. 

The experts at Profitise know what steps to take to get only high-quality insurance calls and web leads for agents. Sign up today.


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