How to Drive Traffic to Your Site

There are currently a variety of methods you can use to drive more traffic to your website. That being said, it can be challenging trying to pick the right option for a specific website, industry, or end goal.

At first, the question of how to get traffic to your website can be overwhelming. Do you need to invest in Google ads? Do you have to promote your brand on Twitter?

In this guide, we will explain what choices there are when it comes to both paid and organic traffic and how you can drive site traffic and leverage search engines to grow your existing audience and expand the reach of your platform.

Website Traffic Growth.

Why Is There A Need To Grow Traffic?

But why is website traffic increase important to your business in the first place? There are many reasons why users would want to drive more traffic to their platform, but primarily it is needed to increase the revenue and returns on investment for businesses.
The web traffic can come in all sizes and shapes, from different channels, devices, and locations. Even the type of browser people use to connect to a website plays a role in determining the traffic source.

More traffic gives your business more profit.

Assuming you have already picked your insurance niche and the services that you will provide, there is only one more question left to answer. How to get traffic to your website?

Write Captivating Content

As obvious as it may sound, creating content that is interesting to read and helpful for your audience at the same time is crucial in content marketing. A tried-and-true (and often successful) traffic driver is filling your site with very sharp and engaging content. If you can regularly share content on your blog that will give real value to readers, they will keep coming back, and more will visit your site as well.

Content Marketing Tips

The key to driving traffic this way is to produce content continually, always informing and entertaining readers so that they return and help boost your rankings in SERPs (search engine results pages).

Content That Answers Questions

Before writing a blog post or a guide on your website, it is a good idea to determine and research the topic you want to cover. Doing so will help you highlight the questions the users were searching for answers to.

Focus On Evergreen Content

Evergreen Content

Content that stays relevant for several years after posting is considered evergreen. So how to drive traffic to your website with content that will stay fresh for audiences?

With articles that are relevant in any season, it is simple. Evergreen helps build a reputation for your brand and your image of a thought leader. That is, of course, if the content is relevant and has the answers people are looking for.

What doesn’t fall into the category of evergreen content?

  • News articles or other forms of announcement
  • Situational statistics or reports that may become outdated soon
  • Trends or articles that focus on current affairs

It is also worth mentioning that most articles or other forms of media and too time-sensitive content are usually not considered evergreen. Although evergreen articles have no expiration dates set, they’re not meant to stay relevant for more than just a few years before becoming stale or less popular.

Use A Content Calendar

Planning is critical when it comes to content marketing. Using a calendar explicitly dedicated to the upcoming content is vital, especially if you want to track the progress of your content and how well it performs.

Content Calendar

Create Unforgettable Headlines

Headlines are the first thing users see when they visit your website, and making them stand out is as important as the content itself. For this very reason, we have a few tips on how you can improve your headlines:

  • Use Numbers: People love numbers, because they work, primarily when reflecting the actual state of things. Alternatively, you can use numbers in a headline simply to explain how many points will be covered.
  • Resolve A Problem: Using adjectives that can describe your reader’s issue can ensure them to read on. That said, convincing the reader that you can resolve their problem in the headline is only the first part of the equation. Working out the issues in your article is the second.
  • Leave The Readers Wanting More: When writing blog content, always remember to challenge your reader to read your piece. The trick here is to have marketing in mind without overpromising anything. With that in mind, make sure that you can deliver any promise you make to your audience.
  • Tweak Headlines According To SEO: Using the terms “how, when, why” in your headlines can only get you so far. It is not harmful to add trigger words to your primary keyword to make article titles more engaging. Trigger words can be anything from vibrant and dynamic adjectives to power words that grab attention. However, they all have the same primary purpose, which is to attract people.

Write Catchy Content

Improve Old Content

When it comes to the blog section of your website, sooner or later, you will run into the issue of having outdated or out-of-date information in your older posts. This includes optimizing both text and links that you may have since older links can cease to work, while some of the information in your posts can become outdated and may require updating.

Optimize your old content.


Although content optimization is a viable technique, updating older content can be easier said than done in most cases, especially if you have no prior experience in content management.

Merge Similar Articles To Provide More Value

Combining multiple blog posts similar to each other to create a comprehensive guide or a story you want to share with your audience could be a good idea if you have a bunch of small pieces waiting to be posted in your blog section. Don’t forget to redirect old articles to the new page.

Merge Similar Articles to Create New

Use The Skyscraper Technique

Although we will see how cookies are failing out of favor when it comes to ranking, backlinks are still one of Google’s main contributing factors. The skyscraper technique is a link-building tactic that involves finding popular content that has been linked by other websites.

Use Skyscraper Technique for Content.

The best way to make other sites create relevant links to yours is by creating unique and pertinent content. The kind of content that can gain popularity naturally gets other people to create links of high quality that will lead back to your platform.

Create Media Content

Improvements in both broadband and mobile internet have set the stage for more variety in media, including audio and video content, as well as everything in between. Indeed, not everyone has the resources or time to make their video content, such as videos on auto insurance leads on LinkedIn. However, even a short but nice-looking stock video can go a long way on a product or landing page within your site.

Using Infographics To Increase Traffic To Your Website

Infographics are images that communicate data in a visually engaging way, and they are among the best digital assets that you can invest in. A great infographic will inform users with helpful information and do so creatively and colorfully.

Use Infographic for your content promotion.

Infographics show up better than most images in searches and can be used to attract visitors to your site. Others can also link to your infographic, which will eventually bring in more traffic to your site. For example, a charming infographic about driving statistics can be a helpful way to increase audience flow to your auto insurance affiliate site. Another excellent example of an infographic’s effectiveness is a visualization of a step-by-step guide of marketing activities to generate more insurance leads.

Email Marketing Converts The Most

Email remains one of the primary ways of contacting people, which means everyone from prospects to leads to customers. Although it could be one of the most tedious ways of attracting audiences, using email to contact your prospects is almost necessary since it is by far one of the primary means of reaching your target audience.

Use Email Marketing.

Content and email marketing are great complements for each other and can be used together to maximize the results, and that means driving more traffic.

Get People To Subscribe

Naturally, you want people to subscribe to your newsletter, so you can notify them about new content being posted on your website. However, that’s only part of the reason. The real purpose of your newsletter is to increase conversion rates and to gather prospects.

Motivate people to subscribe.

Naturally, people gravitate towards high-quality content, but you can only improve your existing blog posts to a certain degree before you run out of ideas. Alternatively, you can get more users to subscribe to your newsletter by making promotional posts or offering discounts or special offers for those on your mailing list.

Create Email Welcome Templates

Welcome emails are good for nurturing new customers. The beauty of welcome emails is that they have a higher open rate compared to regular emails. This creates room for opportunity and strategic decisions. That said, it’s up to you to leverage the welcome email to improve your conversion rates or to inform potential customers about a special deal. Alternatively, the templates can be as simple as tips and tricks on using your products or services.

Create attractive email template.

Include Teasers For New Content Updates In Your Newsletter

Another way to use email creatively is by updating your subscribers with new and upcoming content. Like with postcards, you can add an infographic or a picture related to the blog post with a short teaser that gives insight into this new piece of information. Similarly, content updates can be used to promote underperforming content after it has been revamped.

SEO Provides Visibility

Without proper SEO optimization, content marketing wouldn’t be able to flourish. The key to any SEO content strategy is to figure out what you try to achieve. Since search engine optimization is all about numbers, ensure that you set measurable goals.

Use SEO to boost organic traffic.

To find the best topics for your campaign, you should analyze the keywords you already have and how they can improve your future content.

Likewise, using keywords with high potential and volume and incorporating them into existing content on your website will help reach a broader audience.

Research Your Keywords

Performing keyword research means finding new keywords for your content. The primary intent here is to find and rank using competitive keywords.

perform a keyword research.

The simplest way you can conduct keyword research is by using a research tool. This application will show you traffic data on specific keywords, like keyword search volume and difficulty. There are many different options available such as Ahrefs, Semrush,, and other similar tools.

Check monthly search volume for keywords.

Keyword search volume encompasses data on how many times per month, on average, people search for target keywords you want to use, including keywords that are relevant to your content. Regardless of what kind of keywords you require, you can find both low and high-difficulty keywords and phrases with a proper keyword tool.

Target Low-Difficulty Keywords

Low-difficulty or low-competition keywords are keywords that you can use to rank your site in search results without too much of a hassle. With this type of keyword, you don’t need too many links or a high domain rating to generate the organic traffic needed for the growth of your website.

Target low difficulty keywords for faster results.

Long-Tailed Keywords

On the other hand, a long-tail keyword is a more complex phrase containing 5 or more words. These keywords can allow you to target niche demographics and audiences. Depending on the topics you base your content on, you can accumulate an extensive collection of long-tail keyword combinations that you can implement into the content on your platform.

Use long tailed keywords to target more specific users.

Use Keywords From Google Search Console

Google Search Console can help measure your website’s search traffic. That being said, its usefulness doesn’t end there. The console is used to fix issues in search traffic and monitor its performance and standings in the global Google search results.

Use keywords from Google Search Console to enrich the content.

Research Competitors’ Best Tactics

The research and comparison of the marketing strategies and characteristics of companies operating in a specific market are called competitor analysis. Competitive content analysis is not an easy task to perform. However, if done right, it can be beneficial for your marketing campaigns in the long run.

Perform competitors’ best practices.

There are several steps one needs to take to conduct a proper competitor analysis. Direct and indirect competitors, for example, are those companies that provide the same or similar solutions to a shared audience. Researching the market is crucial for brands to stay relevant and successful. Here are some actionable steps you can take to stay informed about your competitors:

  • Stay in the loop on your competitor’s market positions: Monitor external and internal stats with market explorer software and applications. Staying up to date with rival’s moves in digital marketing and comparing their performance with yours.
  • Check what advertising platforms your rivals choose: This section includes analyzing traffic and audiences. With tools like Semrush Traffic Analytics, Searchmetrics, Serpstat, or other alternatives, you can tap into audiences you and your competitors share and see what sites they visit the most.
  • Analyze your competitor’s SEO efforts: Even the most basic knowledge of SEO can help you understand how other brands manage to outrank other websites. If that’s the case, performing organic traffic research can show you the total number of keywords, monthly organic traffic from the keywords. This way, you will have access to a pool of keywords that you can use to form better and more user-inclusive content on your website.

To sum it up, it is essential to study your SEO findings and compare them with the rest of your strategy to find the best method to improve your standings in global rankings on the web.

Fix Your Site’s Technical SEO Issues

Technical issues linked to SEO can range from broken links and slow loading pages to simply a site that doesn’t have HTTPS security or isn’t indexed correctly. Finding out what is wrong with the pages is undoubtedly time-consuming, yet tweaking most of these errors is crucial if you want to drive site traffic to your website.

Fix your technical SEO issues for better website performance.

Optimize Website Speed

Nobody likes websites that take ages to load. But what is a fast-loading site anyway? Ideally, you would like your site to load under 200 milliseconds, so when a website loads up to 4-6 seconds, it may mean that its loading speed is not well optimized.

Optimize website speed for better performance.

To optimize your website, you can use compression software to reduce the size of extensive CSS, HTML, and JavaScript files. However, the compression can only do so much when it comes to loading speeds.

The best practice you can develop from the start is making code as optimized as possible to avoid bloated files in the future. Optimization also concerns images, so it is better to use smaller images or ensure that pictures are no larger than they need to be.

Find And Update Underperforming Pages

It goes without saying that slow loading or underperforming pages filled with content that serves little to no purpose simply don’t belong in your platform or website. Figuring out what pages perform less than expected can take some time, but the result should be worth it since you would be able to see what parts of your platforms could use fine-tuning or expansion.

Consider Using Schema Markup

Schema markup is a unique code that you can implement in your website to help various search engines (primarily Google) to return more detailed results for web users. In basic terms, schema tells search engines what the data on your website means. With proper markup, published content can get indexed and returned to users in search results. Use Schema validator to make sure your markup doesn’t contain errors and warnings.

Schema markup validator tool.

Since search engines have a limited understanding of the content on websites, it is advisable to use JSON markup. It is a simple script that you can add to the website code for each of your pages.

Put Featured Content In A Highlighted Snippet

A featured snippet is a highlighted text excerpt that appears on top of regular search results. Also known as Position 0 in Google search results, featured snippets are a great way to find answers without sifting through several Google pages. Why is it useful? It kills two birds with one stone – helps users find relevant information quickly, and shows your website above all others in search results.

Featured snippet explained.


Technical Optimization And Server Speed

Unless you host the website using your own hardware, chances are, your website is hosted by another company. That said, you can still boost the loading speed of your site with a few steps:

  • Enable Caching: One of the most significant factors when it comes to server load speeds is caching. With caching, the server doesn’t need to spend additional time downloading files from the disk, getting information from the database, or running the application code to assemble the result into an HTML web page.
  • Fix Query Speeds Of Your DNS: Since DNS query speeds are primarily dependent on the distance, the only reliable way to decrease the time it takes to load is to use a unique DNS cluster. The easiest option, in this case, is purchasing several virtual private servers (VPS) in different parts of the country and then configuring them according to your primary DNS.
  • Cut Down Your Site’s Rendering Path: Even though a critical rendering path may sound intimidating at first, the process of shortening it is relatively simple. To shorten it, you can do things such as deleting themes and plugins that are rarely used, reducing image size, compressing the non-critical files on disk, and combining and minimizing JS and CSS files to optimize their load speeds.
  • Minimize Scripts: Shortening your JS, PHP, or CSS scripts is all about code optimization. It is advisable to link preset script libraries into your code to mitigate long loading speeds, so the scripts will take less time to fully load if you don’t want to optimize the code yourself.
  • Disable Or Limit Resource-Intensive Plugins: Monitoring what uses the most of your resources is critical for loading speeds. Ensure that all of your PHP, JS, or HTML libraries are updated and disable the plugins that your website doesn’t require.

Last but not least, if you have to use a website hosting service, choose a reliable and fast data center option. Fortunately, most hosting providers offer a free demo of their services you can use to test the reliability and speed before making a final commitment.


Meta tags are fields in the HTML code that carry information about a webpage. These are useful for highlighting a specific headline, page title, or description if you want them to be shown in the search results alongside your SEO and meta descriptions. You can include essential keywords in these meta descriptions. However, not all meta tags affect your rankings in SERP.

Optimize on-page SEO for better rankings.

Internal Links

If your website has a lot of sections, it is only a matter of time before users come back to a specific article or piece of content, but how do they navigate it? That is when internal links come into play. These links are used to guide visitors from one page to another within the same domain.

Use internal links to boost your page link juice.

Conversely, internal links are used by site crawlers to understand and rank your website. The best way to go about this is by giving search engines links to follow and ensuring that every one of them features a descriptive anchor text that explains the importance of each page.

Logical Structure Of Your Website

In essence, the logical structure of a website helps with navigation and orientation. Make your website logic as simple as possible so the users can access essential parts quicker. Although it is not as evident as page speed, the UX design of your website also plays an essential role in its accessibility for the end-user. So even such simple things as fonts and pictures that you use can benefit your platform’s overall ease of use.

Use tree like structure for your website.

Invest In Link Building

Without proper link-building practices in place, search engines won’t be able to discover your new web pages, nor will they be able to determine how high a particular page should rank in the search engine result page.

Build links to improve your rankings.

Platforms and websites that have more backlinks are prone to earn higher rankings in search engines results. Although there are a lot of different techniques of link building, you shouldn’t underestimate its importance as SEO service.

Local SEO

With almost 46% of web searches having a local intent and up to 78% of local searches on mobile can lead to an offline purchase, it is safe to say that local SEO is quite essential for businesses if they have an intention to grow.

Use Local SEO to improve local rankings.

The tricky part of local SEO is that it works with brick-and-mortar businesses with a constant flow of customers. So what about businesses that rely on online interactions with their customers? The secret of local searches is that they are intertwined with organic search and social media search results. Simply put, if you optimize your local SEO with specific keywords relevant to your location, your page will have a higher chance of being found by users in local search results.

Optimize CTR

Click-through rate is essential because it helps understand your audience and customer base better. By simply looking at the rates, you can determine what strategy works and what doesn’t.

Saying improve your CTR is simple, but how does one optimize a click-through rate on their web page? Here are some tips you can use to increase a low CTR:

  • Improve The Quality Score Of Your Website: Google gives a score to any given keyword. Generally, it is a simple measure that determines the relevance and quality of your advertising. Several factors affect the quality score of your web pages, from the PPC relevance of landing pages to how appropriate the keywords in your ad headline are.
  • Add Call & Ad Extensions: There are many ad extensions that you can use to improve the CTR of your website. Although some might say that if you are not using all of them, you are missing out, the truth is you should use them according to the situation. If your business relies on calls, it is wise to add a call extension. If you base your marketing on PPC, then adding a site link ad extension is the better way to go.
  • Write Persuasive And Engaging Ad Copy: Similarly to writing a fascinating article, your ad copy should play its part too. Ensure that it is unique from your competition and make your ad copy stand out by highlighting your brand’s selling points.
  • Use Keywords That Are Tightly Themed: One keyword is good, two keywords are better. Nevertheless, to yield any results, both of these keywords need to be connected and work together. Research what keyword combinations work best for your specific campaign and use them to attract more traffic to your site.
  • Try Different Ad Types: With ad types, there is always room for experimentation. Don’t get discouraged if your first attempts at tweaking your ad copy didn’t work out as expected, but continue to practice ad type optimization accordingly.

Leverage Social Media To Drive Niche Traffic

Leveraging social media platforms is just one of many free methods you can use to drive traffic to your website. Social media posts are the easiest to tackle since they take much less time than average blog posts. Likewise, you can use social platforms to promote existing content from your blog. Putting out in-depth content on social platforms such as Linkedin or Facebook can drive a hefty volume of traffic back to your home website.

Use Social Media to improve your online presence.

Staying Consistent On Social Media

Like purely content-based marketing, social media is all about staying relevant and valuable to your audience. Interesting information and engaging posts are what you should be posting on social media platforms.

Publish Your Posts During Prime Time

Posting on social media without knowing the best time for it at each platform can be challenging. So, making a schedule for all your posts can be an intelligent thing to do. Let’s take a look at how else you can determine the prime time for making posts using your business accounts:

  • Determine when your audience is most active online
  • Look at your top-performing content
  • Post in your audience’s time zone
  • Keep monitoring all the changes

Opt-In For A Content Calendar

Just like we mentioned briefly before, making a content calendar is vital for your content marketing campaigns. However, how do you go about managing one? Here are some tips you can use to make and manage a calendar for your upcoming content:

  1. Determine Your Goals: Upon creating a content calendar, it is essential to figure out your primary goal. What is more important? Converting existing prospects with industry insights or bringing new ones by creating how-to guides. In this case, you can use both, but it is entirely up to you what kind of strategy should be prioritized.
  2. Choose A Calendar Template: There is no shortage of tools that web calendars offer on the internet, so it’s essential to take your time to research and pick the one that suits your needs best.
  3. Pick Your Distribution Channels: After finding out what your current and potential customers use, it will be easier to determine what channels are most suitable for the type of content you’d like to put out for these audiences.
  4. Keep Evergreen Content Readily Available: Content that is not closely related to specific dates or holidays will be helpful at any time. That’s why it is advisable to add links to your evergreen or “timeless” articles in your newer blog posts. Backlinking these blog posts is an excellent way to reintroduce relevant pieces to new audiences.
  5. Fix On The Publishing Frequency: Deciding on how often you can put out the new content is vital for long-running marketing campaigns.
  6. Update Calendar Depending On The Performance Of Your Posts: Undoubtedly, if you see a downward trend with some of your posts or notice that they are not achieving expected results, it may be a prime time to prop up more content.

Schedule your posts on Social Media.

Post Content Updates On Facebook And Twitter

Twitter and Facebook are ideal for sharing content updates and other time-sensitive information about your brand. There are about 2.89 billion members that use Facebook regularly. Hence, getting a business account for your company is a great strategy to utilize for greater visibility.

On the other hand, Twitter has close to 206 million monetizable active users, which you can use to reach a broader audience more quickly. Both platforms are excellent for engaging new and longtime customers.

Utilize Instagram To Your Best Potential

Instagram allows businesses to utilize a lot of valuable tools that can drive traffic to their platforms. Aside from the obvious solutions such as creating a business account for your brand, there are a few other options marketers and publishers can use similarly to LinkedIn traffic driver ads:

Informative Bio: Having essential information about your company in the bio section is vital to let potential customers know more about your company. The only caveat here is that the bio has a 150 character limit.

Create catchy Instagram bio.

Captions And Geotags: You can add geotags and captions to both videos and images, so adding a link in the comments or the caption section can generate additional traffic that will lead users to your website. Likewise, you can be featured in the Discover section if you use relevant or niche hashtags related to your industry.

Use captions and geotags for Instagram.

Instagram Stories: Stories are an excellent way to share content updates and highlight important aspects of your daily routine to new audiences. You can use timely stories to show followers that you are active on the platform since all stories expire 24 hours after posting.

Use Instagram stories features.

Instagram Videos: This section is designed for any video content that is longer than 15 seconds. Hence, if you have video updates or teasers you want to showcase, the Instagram Videos section is a perfect place to start.

Use Instagram Videos for long video content.

Leave affiliate links in your bio section and post descriptions. Doing so is crucial to provide your visitors with an alternative method to interact with your brand.

Publish Video Content On Youtube

Regardless of the size or depth of the media content you upload to YouTube, it is a great platform to get people talking about your brand. With special categories for short and long video formats, YouTube allows users to include captions and thorough descriptions with links and tags that help the content rank and be noticed by viewers.

Work with YouTube as an alternative marketing channel.

Post Your Infographics On Pinterest

Pinterest is a social media platform that is based on sharing images. The discovery of new posts is based on pinboards and posts saved or published on them. The average lifetime of such a pin can range from several days to a whole week, which makes Pinterest a reliable source for new prospects. So if you work with visual content and specifically with digital images, maintaining an active presence on Pinterest is a great way to increase your visibility.

Post creatives on Pinterest.

Create A Resource Center On LinkedIn Or Quora

Making an account on LinkedIn or Quora for affiliate marketing purposes is great as an addition to maintaining other social media platforms. For example, you can use short or lengthy articles and posts directly in your brand’s post feed.

Quora is also an excellent way to provide substantive, non-promotional answers to questions related to your area of expertise and knowledge. You can also sparingly link to your website in your Quora answers—as long as the link is there to provide helpful information or back up a claim.

Quora is also an excellent way to provide substantive, non-promotional answers to questions related to your area of expertise and knowledge. You can also sparingly link to your website in your Quora answers—as long as the link is there to provide helpful information or back up a claim.

How To Generate Leads on Quora?

Affiliate marketing Quora options are endless as long as you offer solutions to a problem customers might have. You can build a trustworthy brand image for your company by giving valuable insight that will eventually funnel potential customers to your website.

Use Quora to provide expert answers.

Generating Insurance Leads on LinkedIn

People look for information everywhere, so it is often a smart strategy to share your expertise across a few external websites. LinkedIn has a publishing platform that gives you the chance to share your content to your LinkedIn audience while enticing readers to visit your LinkedIn profile and, ultimately, your website.

Use LinkedIn for professional connection and extra marketing channel.

For example, you can post a piece on pretty much anything regarding insurance, and as long as the content is reasonable and provides some sort of industry insight, it will bring leads. Be it health, home, or auto insurance leads, LinkedIn is an excellent middle-ground for marketers that want to share their blog posts to a platform filled with professionals of all sorts.

Leverage Paid Channels

Driving traffic is a challenge, and your SEO efforts combined with content marketing can only bring so much organic traffic to the website. Algorithms change constantly, yet paid web traffic is a valuable option to bring in stable traffic flow.

Use Paid Advertising to attract instant traffic.

Paid Advertising

Even though PPC doesn’t bring instant results, many marketers consider paid adverts one of the main driving forces to attract more traffic. The usefulness of certain paid ads can differ, depending on your niche, be it insurance services or lead generation. Still, we have compiled the most popular paid channels you can use to bring in more traffic:

  • Paid Search: Advertisements that show up in search engines like Bing and Google. These will be shown on the top and bottom of the result pages.
  • Display ads: These are the most basic form of ads shown on third-party or affiliated websites. Display ads can range in shape or form, but usually, they consist of banners, text, or images.
  • Native Ads: This kind of ad shows on platforms alongside the existing images or videos that can lead to product or landing pages of your website.
  • Sponsored Articles And Content: Applicable to paid and affiliate ad campaigns, these will be promoted and distributed by webmasters or affiliated publishers.
  • Social Media Commercials: With the best SMM and SEO techniques, social media ads can be an invaluable tool to drive traffic to your website when advertising it on social media platforms.

Retarget Existing Prospects

Retargeting is one of the best ways to bring people to your site — mainly because you are tapping into an audience that has already interacted with your site.

For instance, Google has excellent resources for retargeting prospects. You can use the Google Retargeting Ads tool to reach those who have visited your site but left before making a purchase or completing a form.

Use remarketing to convert users who leave.

Experiment With Guest Posting

We have discussed generating and creating content in this article, but that was focused solely on your platform and media accounts.
Guest posting, however, is a very beneficial method of creating cross-company references and partnerships. This rings exceptionally accurate in the affiliate marketing world, as guest posts are widely used to bring attention to your site, all while supporting the host company’s PR and SEO efforts. What is exciting about guest posting is that it benefits both the host and the guest.

Boost your SEO with guest posting.

Delving Into Podcasts

The popularity of podcasts can vary significantly from one industry to another, but they are a great source of website traffic. Appearing on industry-centric podcasts or creating your own can be a worthy endeavor once you get enough traffic and traction with your platform.

Use podcasts to gain new motivated traffic.

Even if you have no desire to participate in a podcast, opting for podcast ads is always a viable solution when looking for new ways of driving traffic to your website.

Getting Involved With Influencer Marketing

Teaming up with influencers on social media is beneficial to your brand and the influencers you partner with. Comparable to standard affiliate networking, influencer marketing is a partnership that allows brands to get promoted by influencers on various social media platforms. However, unlike affiliate marketing, influencers already have a strong presence in a specific industry with a target audience.

Use influencer marketing social media promotion.for

Affiliate Marketing

In affiliate marketing, you are only as good as the volume of quality traffic you can bring in. Good leads are the lifeblood for insurance companies, and these businesses depend on affiliate marketers to keep their call centers busy with conversions.

Use affiliate marketing for qualified traffic and leads.

But maybe you’ve hit a bit of a slump lately, or perhaps you are just getting started and are looking for ways to jumpstart your efforts? The good news is that affiliate marketers have a wide range of strategies for driving traffic.

In Conclusion

There is no shortage of options you can use to drive traffic to a website. The biggest hurdle as you get started is figuring out what kind of traffic your website will need. Once you get over those first few obstacles, getting just enough traffic won’t be such a huge issue anymore.

Find your stable source of website traffic by signing up with Profitise and joining our network of industry professionals.

With Profitise, you can rely on the expertise of publishers backed by sophisticated software solutions that deliver the best traffic monitoring options to help you grow your blog and boost your business.


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